Tuesday, 7 August 2007

Phil Pendlebury - Texture Tests

Hi, well today i spent my time getting into using zbrush/photoshop. These are a way for me to quickly asses which textures/colours materials ill be painted onto my final mesh, which im still constructing.

This first image has a number of different surfaces. Im considering the hard armour (bright green leafy stuff) that covers the pilot on her shoulders/arms legs/torso and parts of the helmet. Im also testing how i will do the root like cables that come from her helmet. I also need to work out what the more skin tight membrane will be like. Its a cool initial try, but im gonna have another go using a different set of colours and textures. This one is quite giger, due to the shine on the surface. But i want to keep it as matte as possible, more root/tree like then slimey alien.

Heheh ok this one above really didnt go to plan. I am modelling in some little energy packs near her kidneys, i want a bright gloworm inner orb/glow effect. I quite like the curve from the flat skin membrane onto the glow nodual thing....hmm, ill try again.

Right, here ive taken the canopy section of the vehicle and added some leafy textures, painted some patterns, im trying to suggest camoflage leaf insect but it seems alittle bright. Gonna tone everything down abit and make it abit more .... sinister, just alittle bit.

Im still finding more images to use as textures, and if the sun comes out im gonna go for a long walk and take some more photos of plants/leaves.

ill also start doing some tests on the actual geometry later this week. In the mean time ill do another set of these.

What do you guys think?

EDIT - Thursday 2am - Additional texture test! Ill add this in here instead of a new post:

Here i took a stage of the pilots armour, if you cant tell its the the main body minus the arms and legs and head (ill do a version with the entire armour set soon) ....played with it abit in zbrush, Sub dividing it loads, and sculpted into it. Then using Polypaint i created this texture over the top, directly on the mesh. Made it into a 2d image, took it into photoshop and played abit more with it. Im still working out colours/tones and shapes while i model things. Its a good way to do it i think, as i can anticipate where the darks and lights are going to land, and add less or more displacement on the mesh, also its nice to draw shapes out with colour and textures, then use it as reference or use the 'MRGB grab' tool in zbrush and make it an image texture itself to use again.

Ill add that ive still not done any uv's yet, as i want to really get the model right. Once ive done that ill be using Roadkill to smash my textures into flatness. then the real textureing begins -Evil Grin-


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